
Managing a Team That’s Been Asked to Do Too Much

Recent cases highlighted in the media suggest that executives, in a desperate quest to quench the market’s unquenchable thirst for growth, are ignoring reason and dictating growth targets so insurmountable that their employees are turning to unethical and perhaps illegal means to achieve their goals (e.g., Wells Fargo, Enron, VA). Are you worried about something like this happening in your organization? You might believe that you’re an innocent pawn in this game, but as a manager, you have a responsibility to ensure that unreasonable targets don’t unleash harmful behaviors on your team.

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The 7 Most Effective Lead Generation Strategies For Serious Content Marketers

No business can survive without attracting leads. It does not matter whether your business is online or offline, if you’re not generating quality leads, that business will definitely suffer. This is one area of marketing that most people often find challenging.

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5 Ways to Build a Team of Leaders (While Saving Yourself Some Work)

When putting together a group of individuals to work together on a project, it can seem easy to simply delegate all that you have to do to other people. What this doesn’t do, however, is set up anyone else on staff to lead after the leader’s departure.

The lack of initiative that comes with passivity may actually be crippling to an organization, especially one striving to grow in multiple, independent departments. Here, then, are 5 great ways to build a team of leaders from within, while encouraging your best employees to move up the ranks themselves.

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4 Game-Changing Phrases To Help Make a Sale

Making a sale is all about how you frame your offer. The customer is not interested in what you have to sell, but in what he has to gain. The easiest way to make a sale is to continually put yourself in his shoes and discuss your product or service in terms of what effect it will have on your customer’s life or business.

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Do You Know How Each Person on Your Team Likes to Work?

When we travel to a country that has a different culture than ours, many of us spend time learning ways to communicate and connect with the people there. We might look up the meanings of common terms and access maps of key attractions.

Similarly, when you first become a manager, it’s helpful to spend time up front connecting and creating a common language with your team. When your team knows how you like to work and how you plan to manage them, they’re able to produce results faster. When you know how each of your direct reports likes to work and communicate, you’re able to save time when setting direction and following up.

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Toxic leaders affect companies, and governments. How to deal with them

Toxic leadership is characterised by a number of familiar traits: unwillingness to take feedback, lying or inconsistency, cliquishness, autocracy, manipulation, intimidation, bullying, and narcissism. The toxic leader can – if allowed to run rampant for long enough – destroy organisational structures over time and bring down an entire organisation. This applies to countries too.

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