To Find Out What Employees Are Really Thinking, Don’t Conduct a Survey; Do This Instead
Adding curiosity to a challenging interaction can bridge differences, repair relationships and lead to greater understanding.
Adding curiosity to a challenging interaction can bridge differences, repair relationships and lead to greater understanding.
Being a data-driven organization is an ongoing process — you need to invest in the right team, infrastructure, software, and processes that can promote lasting change.
Everywhere we look, ominous signs reveal a mushrooming stress epidemic.
Predictably, this stress epidemic is driving up costs to business from lost productivity and innovation. But recent research provides insights on how to counter these trends.
Here are four leadership keys to easing and even reversing the rising costs of stress in the workplace.
Losing qualified employees is one of the costly events that can happen to a business owner. Once your employee has been trained for the position and you come to depend on them to fulfill their responsibilities, it becomes imperative that management knows the warning signs that an employee might be trying to find other employment and what to do about it.
Maybe you’re too committed to your own ideas—or maybe your boss is just a micromanager.
When putting together a group of individuals to work together on a project, it can seem easy to simply delegate all that you have to do to other people. What this doesn’t do, however, is set up anyone else on staff to lead after the leader’s departure.
The lack of initiative that comes with passivity may actually be crippling to an organization, especially one striving to grow in multiple, independent departments. Here, then, are 5 great ways to build a team of leaders from within, while encouraging your best employees to move up the ranks themselves.
Toxic leadership is characterised by a number of familiar traits: unwillingness to take feedback, lying or inconsistency, cliquishness, autocracy, manipulation, intimidation, bullying, and narcissism. The toxic leader can – if allowed to run rampant for long enough – destroy organisational structures over time and bring down an entire organisation. This applies to countries too.
It’s not easy, but the results will be very well worth your effort.
Creating an environment dedicated to open and honest communication is a very difficult task, especially if you’re approaching it as a leader outside of the office’s circle of tight-knit employees.
But while creating a safe office environment is challenging for any leader, it can be accomplished with intention, thought, and planning. The results will be very well worth your effort. Read up on 5 ways how.
Your customers love you, but are they improving your bottom line?
If you want your best people to stay, you need to think carefully about how you treat them.