5 Things About Your Brand Your Sales Team Must Sell If You Expect Anybody to Buy Your Product
Your salespeople are front-line brand ambassadors. Make sure they are sending the right message.
Your salespeople are front-line brand ambassadors. Make sure they are sending the right message.
These six approaches to sales conversations can refresh your selling style and improve your customer relationships
When it comes to sales, there is a lot of on-the-job training that needs to get done. In addition to book knowledge, sales is like being an athlete: No matter how good you are, you need to practice a lot if you hope to improve. That means there is no way to learn everything you need to know without getting out there and actually doing the job. But it does not mean that there is nothing to be learned in advance of your first sales conversation.
Have you noticed costs going up and ROI going down?
For years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been the subject of wonder and speculation. From visceral thrillers set in the future of machines taking over the roles of humans to the development of Alexa and Siri on our devices in our home. Fortunately, thrillers like The Terminator and Blade Runner are based in the fictional world and every year, AI has proven to be successful and relevant in many industries.
Emerging technologies make it possible to move segmentation and personalization models beyond marketing personas to distinct, individual customer profiles.
The ability to collect customer information — and organize it (i.e., big data) and draw insights from it (i.e., machine learning) — makes it possible for marketers to evolve.
This evolution from buyer personas to individual profiles can provide superior personalization and an enhanced experience for shoppers. In turn, retailers may sell more products if they offer a more personalized shopping experience.
Fire. We are told to look for “fire” in new sales reps so they’ll have a burning desire to find and close deals. And while drive is tremendously important, staying composed, focused, and motivated during long sales cycles requires more.
It’s time to ditch the cold calling to heat up sales.
Move over Alec Baldwin, robots are the ultimate closers.
A reliable sales funnel is the key to a thriving business.