2018 Sales and Marketing Conferences to Add to Your Calendar
How many of these are you attending?
How many of these are you attending?
Beware of the social media guru! I recently read an article by one of them about why personal branding for a salesperson was useless.
Really? Let’s remember where we as sellers (and marketers) have come from.
In the past, the only way people got to find out about our products and services was by interrupting them. Either through advertisements or cold calling.
There was no internet, the buyer was pretty unsophisticated.
Sales and marketing often work separately for many reasons. They don’t understand each other, which creates conflict about what really delivers revenue for the company. There are also many rumblings among the sales team members about a lack of real support by marketing. Even leadership has a tendency to put both in silos to maintain the distance.
There’s a groundswell occurring in the way corporate sales teams and representatives sell, new research is suggesting. InsideSales.com Labs (a division of AI-fueled sales acceleration company InsideSales.com) released a new Time Management Study this week. The research is based on responses from nearly 200 sales reps including more than dozen in-depth interviews, to provide a closer look at the way today’s inside and outside sales reps are spending their time.
You don’t need business school to launch a successful sales career
As research funding monies dwindle and become more competitive, many academics are turning to alternate careers in sales and marketing in the commercial sector.
The rules of both business ethics and business etiquette are the foundations of strong, productive professional relationships. You wouldn’t want to do business with people who worked for an organization that had little regard for either ethics or etiquette.
These four, easily avoidable blunders will get even the most persuasive cold emails ignored
How getting comfortable with a “no” will allow you to finally get a “yes”.
LinkedIn is becoming a growing source for brands to publish and share highly readable content. While the platform is considered the social site for professionals to connect, more businesses are taking advantage of its solid reputation to circulate content to clients.