2018 Sales and Marketing Conferences to Add to Your Calendar
How many of these are you attending?
How many of these are you attending?
We’ve all been in the audience when a presenter gets on stage and manages to get everyone interested in what they’re saying. You can probably also remember a time when the presenter has difficulty engaging with the audience, and the eyes of those in the audience begin to glaze over. For many people without public speaking experience, it can be difficult to avoid the latter scenario, but with practice, anyone can captivate an audience.
Beware of the social media guru! I recently read an article by one of them about why personal branding for a salesperson was useless.
Really? Let’s remember where we as sellers (and marketers) have come from.
In the past, the only way people got to find out about our products and services was by interrupting them. Either through advertisements or cold calling.
There was no internet, the buyer was pretty unsophisticated.
You don’t need business school to launch a successful sales career
When was the last time you admitted you were wrong? Here is why it is so important.
As research funding monies dwindle and become more competitive, many academics are turning to alternate careers in sales and marketing in the commercial sector.
Rethinking opportunity and change were repeating themes running through many events I have attended in the last quarter. AI and ESG’s impact on corporations are at the center of people’s minds. Executive teams are concerned about how AI will impact business strategies and how leaders will be able to respond to the seismic changes coming. Corporate leadership teams are also shifting to a longer-term and socially responsible view based on the new role on ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) and customer loyalty.
Companies have good intentions when they promote employees — but it can also set them up for failure.
When I decided to do nothing, it changed my life.
by Jesse Kook Republished from Business 2 Community, September 16, 2017 I’ve heard on more than one occasion a leader mention how employees need to earn their trust. My first reaction is to cringe, shift in my seat and then ask, “why?” Some of the responses I’ve gotten are, “I don’t know if I can…